Testimonials & Reviews

Ziyang Zhou, L.Ac. -  - Acupuncturist

Pine Mountain Chinese Acupuncture & Herb Clinic

Ziyang Zhou, L.Ac.

Acupuncturist located in Austin, TX

4.96/5 Star Rating
106 total reviews

Dr. Ziyang Zhou always appreciates feedback from his valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 106 reviews with an average rating of 4.96 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Dr. Ziyang Zhou below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

Francoise A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 09/09/16
Dr Zhou is a top notch acupuncture doctor. He was initially recommended to me by a colleague of mine and now I am the one who regularly recommend him to my colleagues. I have been treated by him since 2004 at 3 occasions for neck, shoulder and back pain. Acuponcture is what helped me most, without the side effects of pain killers. I always felt much better already right after at the first session. Dr Zhou quickly understands your medical issue and in no time you are already comfortably set up with the needles at the right places. He sometimes uses an additional electric current that feels like a gentle massage, together with a heating lamp. You feel no pain. Instead you enjoy a 30 min or so of relaxation, followed by a gentle manual massage. Dr Zhou is very kind and is staff is courteous. They do every thing they can do accomodate your busy schedule.
Meredith T.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/30/16
Dr. Zhou is very professional and demonstrates a level of care and concern not often found in the medical industry today. I would highly recommend him.
Shannon S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/30/16
Best Acupuncturist in Austin! He initially treated me for female infertility issues. I conceived within 2 months. Currently treating me for pregnancy aches and pains.
Joseph H.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/30/16
Dr. Zhou at Pine Mountain is incredible. I've had about 15 treatments so far, and my back and elbow injuries feel much better.
Amy Z.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/30/16
For five years the acupuncture, herbs and consultation that I have received from Dr. Zhou have created a sense of ease in my system and daily life.
Rebecca H.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 08/30/16
Such a rare and qualified practitioner. Has helped both me and my children immeasurably with a number of health issues. Highly recommend.
Pine Mountain Chinese Acupuncture & Herb Clinic


Insurance & Pricing

Our clinic participates in most major insurance programs and networks. However, insurance plans vary in coverage so acupuncture is not a guaranteed benefit, even when Dr. Ziyang Zhou is an in-network provider. Please call your insurance company to verify or our office can verify it for you. We are proud to now be covered by Veterans Affairs Patient Centered Community Care (VAPC3). See our "Before Your Visit" page in Patient Information for more information. Currently Medicare covers acupuncture for lower-back pain only when it is performed by medical doctors or in their offices. Licensed acupuncturists are not covered because we’re not in-network with Medicare. Without insurance coverage, we offer a discounted rate of $130 for the first treatment and $105 for each additional treatment. Or we offer a prepaid package of 5 treatments for $95 each for a total of $475 ($75 in savings).

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Coventry Health Care
First Health
Golden Rule
Mail Handlers Benefit Plan
Multiplan PHCS
Veterans Affairs Patient Centered Community Care (VAPC3)